The 3rd Working Meeting of Joint Research Center (JRC) on Water Science and Egineering took place on October 28th 2021, hosted by Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute (NHRI). China. The meeting was organized virtually to appraise updates of the JRC Framework of Development, assess the Work Report of the Executive Director and take important decisions regarding JRC activities.
The International scientific conference on research and assessment for sustainable use of Black Sea Shellfish resources - WHITECLAM’2021 took place on October 18 and 19, 2021, hosted by the Institute of Fish Resources - Varna within the project WHITECLAM - "Research of sand white clams and new management proposals", within the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Program (PMDR) of Bulgaria . The conference was organized by the Black Sea Danube Association for Research and Development (BDCA) as a hybrid meeting with live participation in the hall "Varna" at the Cherno More Hotel, and online participation.
In December 2020, the Black Sea - Danube Association for Research and Development (BDCA), installed three sensors to monitor the water level along the Kamchia River,with the assistance of Regional Administration Varna.
RECONECT is a 5-year EU project demonstrating the effectiveness of Nature-based Solutions (NBS) in reducing climate-related water risks such as floods, droughts and landslides. From 20 to 28 November 2020, the RECONECT consortium virtually met for the 4th General Assembly.
30 September-02 October 2019, Nice, France
The Third General Assembly of RECONECT took place in Nice (France) from 30 September to 2 October, organized by the local partner UNS (University of Nice Sophia Antipolis). The meeting summarized the first year of the project (started in September 2018) and set the plans for future activities.
23- 25 May 2019, Romania
Almost 70 participants from seven countries were welcome in the beautiful Danube Delta by CERONAV (Romania), the Lead Partner of the GREEN DANUBE project, at the final conference meeting to present project results and to discuss lessons learnt, challenges and solutions found to improve environmental performance of inland water transport along Danube.
08-10 May 2019, Zwolle, Netherlands
The Second General Assembly Meeting of Partners of the project RECONECT „Regenarating Ecosystems with Nature-Based Solutions for Hydro-Meteorological Risk Reduction” took place in Zwolle (NL) from 8th to 10th May 2019. The meeting was organized by the local partners IHE-Delft and TAUW.
28 March 2019, Budapest, Hungary
GREEN DANUBE: Integrated transnational policies and practical solutions for an environmentally-friendly Inland Water Transport system in the Danube region
Project funded by INTERREG Danube Transnational Programme
18-22 March 2019, Varna, Bulgaria
WECANet: A pan-European Network for Marine Renewable Energy
European Cooperation in Science & Technology COST, Action: CA17105
WECANet project consortium together with BDCA are pleased to announce that the first WECANet Training course on Wave Energy was held from 18th to 22nd March 2019 in Varna, Bulgaria.
17-18 October 2018, Varna, Bulgaria
Researchers from the joint Chinese - Bulgarian team of the project CEAFLOOD - COMPOSITE MODELLING OF URBAN FLOODING IN COASTAL & ESTUARINE AREAS took part in the bilateral research seminar held in Varna on 17 and 18 October 2018 in the conference hall at Bulgarian Ship Hydrodynamics Centre (BSHC), Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS). The seminar was the closing meeting of the CEAFLOOD project partners. Тhe results ...
26- 28 September 2018, Portofino, Italy
The Kick-off meeting of project RECONECT „Regenarating Ecosystems with Nature-Based Solutions for Hydro-Meteorological Risk Reduction” took place in Portofino, Italy on 26-27-28 September 2018. The organizers of the meeting were Italian partners GISIG, Portofino Park Authority and CNR-IRPI.